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Accountable Democracy aims to make governments across the world more accountable, transparent and participatory while educating and empowering the public, civil society and stakeholders to demand greater social accountability and shape future democratic systems through demand-driven initiatives.


We believe that countries can thrive and be more peaceful when citizens can hold the state accountable and make it responsive to their needs.

By bringing more accountability, transparency, and participation into service delivery and decision making - especially at the local level - states can improve trust in institutions, reduce corruption, create peaceful societies and save money through better resource allocation. At the same time citizens can have a greater sense of ownership in their communities, be more empowered and active, voicing their needs, their questions and their concerns; improving their overall satisfaction and happiness.


Greater social accountability can be achieved through strengthening the engagement between citizens and the state, or service providers, through policy dialogue, the legislative process (passing laws), or by introducing citizen engagement processes in state agencies that focus on delivering services e.g. health, water and energy, urban planning, waste management, policing etc. Most importantly democracy is a vision that is constantly shaped by people's perceptions, needs, and actions. There is simply no one size fits-all model, but rather a demand driven model of democracy.